Sendoff Ceremony 2020

January 2020

A new group of 11 Leading the Way grantees started their study abroad program at Drexel University, in Philadelphia. The students are part of the 5th Leading the Way group, and successfully completed all the program’s stages.

A few days prior to their trip, the traditional sendoff ceremony took place. On this occasion, President Ignacio Sánchez, the Provost of Managerial Affairs Patricio Donoso and Friends’ board member Pura Ortiz congratulated the students on their great achievement and encouraged them to take full advantage of this opportunity, because it will certainly have a big impact on their lives. Additionally, Leading the Way alumnus Thyare Pacheco gave a speech in which she recalled her own experience; she particularly highlighted what it meant for her to meet people from a wide variety of countries, and invited the new group not to be afraid of speaking English.

After receiving their diploma, the students and their parents held a pleasant and informal conversation with the university’s authorities, who themselves shared with them their own experiences of studying abroad.